First In World | First In World: Miscellaneous

 First In World

First In World | First In World: Miscellaneous

1) Which is the largest continent in the world?

  1. Asia
  2. South America
  3. North America
  4. Australia

2) Which is the largest country in the world in terms of land?
  1. China 
  2. Russia
  3. USA
  4. Brazil

3) Which is the largest country in population?
  1. Russia
  2. India
  3. China
  4. Pakistan

4) Which is the largest dam in the world?
  1. Hirakud Dam
  2. Grand Coulee
  3. Tehri Dam
  4. None of the above

5) Which is the longest bridge (Railway)?
  1. Dab Yang-Kunshan Grand Bridge
  2. Bogibeel Bridge
  3. Vembanand Rail Bridge
  4. Pamban Bridge

6) Which is the smallest bird in the world?
  1. Bee Hummingbird
  2. Sparrow
  3. Crow
  4. Parrot

7) Which is the tallest building in the world?
  1. Burj Khalifa
  2. World Trade Centre
  3. China Zun
  4. Shanghai Tower

8) Which is the largest lake (Fresh Water)?
  1. Lake Superior
  2. Ganga River
  3. Sambhar Lake
  4. Brahmaputra River

9) Which is the largest lake (Artificial)?
  1. Fresh Water
  2. Lake Volta
  3. Brahmaputra River
  4. Kaveri River

10) Which is the largest island in the world?
  1. Green land 
  2. Ice land
  3. Switzerland
  4. Australia

11) Highest Mountain peak in the world?
  1. Himalayas
  2. Mount Everest
  3. Mount Fuji Yama
  4. Andes

12) Which is the longest river in the world?
  1. Nile
  2. Amazon
  3. Ganga
  4. Brahmaputra

13) Which of the following is the biggest and deepest ocean of the world?
  1. Pacific Ocean
  2. Atlantic Ocean 
  3. Arctic Ocean
  4. Indian Ocean

14) Which is the biggest museum in the world?
  1. British Museum
  2. Indian Museum
  3. National Museum
  4. Napier Museum

15) Which is the tallest tower in the world?
  1. Tokyo Sky Tree
  2. Shanghai Tower
  3. Makkah Royal Clock Tower
  4. Burj Khalifa

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