GK Questions and Answer on Coronavirus || Coronavirus GK Quiz

GK Questions and Answer on Coronavirus

Hey guys, You know Coronavirus (Covid-19) is spreading globally but important is to take necessary measures. Coronavirus disease is named by the World Health Organisation as "COVID 19". Indian Government declared a Lockdown all over India on 22 March 2020. After Lockdown declared all Competitive and government exams have postponed but guys competition not postpone. Coronavirus is a very important topic for your exam then I collect all the most important GK Questions of  Coronavirus. 

Coronavirus GK Question and Answer

1) What is the name given to the disease caused by coronavirus spread in Wuhan?
  1. COVID-19
  2. China virus
  3. Corona-19
  4. None of these

2) What is the name given by scientists to Coronavirus before Wuhan?
  1. China virus
  2. SARS COV-2 
  3. COVID-19
  4. None of these
3) Who has declared COVID-19 an epidemic?
  1. WHO
  2. UN
  3. China
  4. India
4) In which state has full curfew been imposed due to coronavirus?
  1. Haryana
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Punjab
5) Tokyo Olympics has been Cancelled for how many years because of COVID-19?
  1. 2 years
  2. 5 years
  3. 1 year
  4. 3 years
6) Who has been chosen in an Awareness campaign run by WHO against COVID-19
  1. Virat Kohli
  2. MS Dhoni
  3. Sania Mirza
  4. Sunil Chhetri
7) Who declared that the whole world has entered into an Economic recession because of COVID-19?
  1. WHO
  3. ADB
  4. IMF
8) Who started operation "Namastey" in order to tackle with COVID-19?
  1. Indian Army 
  2. Indian Airforce
  3. Indian Navy
  4. Indian Coastguard
9) Which State Chief Minister launched the "Self Declaration" COVID-19 App?
  1. Nagaland
  2. Punjab
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Madhya Pradesh
10) Which app is launched by the Indian government in order to track the location of Corona infected people?
  1. Corona Track
  2. Corona Location
  3. Corona Kavach
  4. Corona Stop
11) Which country's PM is infected with Coronavirus?
  1. France
  2. Iran
  3. America
  4. Britain
12) How many months has been granted by RBI on debt's EMI?
  1. 1 month
  2. 2 months
  3. 3 months
  4. 8 months
13) Which country is affected by "Hantavirus"?
  1. Japan
  2. Russia
  3. China
  4. Britain
14) In which country maximum people died due to COVID-19?
  1. China
  2. Japan
  3. South Korea
  4. America 
15) On which date " Janta Curfew" was imposed in India?
  1. 23 March 2020
  2. 16 March 2020
  3. 4 May 2020
  4. 22 March 2020 
16) Which state government has formed "Team 11" in order to tackle Covid-19?
  1. Uttar Pradesh
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Delhi
  4. Punjab
17) Which is the first state to impose Lockdown due to coronavirus?
  1. Karnataka
  2. Sikkim
  3. Rajasthan
  4. Tamil Nadu
18) What is the name of the COVID-19 test?
  1. ECG
  2. EEG
  3. RT-PCR
  4. COVID Test
19) Princess Maria Teresa died due to Coronavirus belonged to which country?
  1. Spain
  2. France
  3. Japan
  4. India
20) Which bank has started the Covid-19 emergency credit line for its costumers?
  1. PNB
  2. Dena Bank
  3. SBI
  4. ICICI Bank
21) Which city uses drones for cleanliness during Corona Pandemic?
  1. New Delhi
  2. Mumbai
  3. Indore
  4. Pune
22) When the Indian government announced Coronavirus lockdown phase-1?
  1. 22 March 2020-11 April 2020
  2. 23 March 2020-12 April 2020
  3. 24 March 2020-13 April 2020
  4. 25 March 2020-14 April 2020
23) How many days remained Coronavirus lockdown phase-1?
  1. 19
  2. 20
  3. 21
  4. 22
24) How many days remained Coronavirus lockdown phase-2?
  1. 19
  2. 20
  3. 21
  4. 22
25) How many days remained Coronavirus lockdown phase-3?
  1. 10
  2. 19
  3. 20
  4. 14
26) How many days remained total Coronavirus lockdown phase-1, phase-2, phase-3?
  1. 45 days
  2. 50 days
  3. 54 days
  4. 61 days
27) Which state government's ministers decided to donate a 1-month salary to CM relief fund?
  1. Punjab
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Goa
  4. Gujarat
28) COVID-19 affects which part of the human body?
  1. Heart 
  2. Lungs
  3. Brain
  4. None of these
29) Coronavirus has started from Wuhan in China, it is located i which province of China?
  1. Hubei
  2. Shanghai
  3. Shenzen
  4. None of these
30) What does VI in the word COVID-19 mean?
  2. VIRUS
  4. 2019
31) How much aid has India announced in SAARC COVID-19 Emergency Fund?
  1. 10 million dollars
  2. 100 million dollars
  3. 15 million dollars
  4. 25 million dollars
32) Social app Instagram has launched which feature to make you aware of coronavirus?
  1. Instagram TV
  2. Instagram News
  3. Instagram Feed
  4. Instagram Go Corona
33) What feature has Whatsapp launched in India to make you aware of Coronavirus?
  1. Whatsapp News
  2. Whatsapp Go
  3. Whatsapp Chatbot
  4. Whatsapp Live
34) What feature Facebook has launched in India to make aware of Coronavirus?
  1. Coronavirus Information Centre
  2. Coronavirus Tips
  3. Coronavirus news
  4. Coronavirus Information News
35) Which app has been launched by Punjab to make you aware of Coronavirus?
  1. Cova Punjab
  2. Punjab Feed
  3. Corona Free Punjab
  4. None of these
36) What does the structure of the coronavirus look like when viewed with a microscope?
  1. Crown
  2. Ring
  3. Fish
  4. lung
37) Coronavirus is related to which disease?
  1. SARS
  2. MERS
  3. Both 1 & 2
  4. None of these
38) What is the full form of SARS?
  1. Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrom
  2. Serious Acute Respiratory Syndrom
  3. Severe Acute Responsible Syndrom
  4. Service Acute Respiratory Syndrom 
39) When coronavirus first identified?
  1. 1960
  2. 1965
  3. 1980
  4. 2019
40) What are the main symptoms of coronavirus?
  1. Fever
  2. Cough
  3. Difficulty in Breathing
  4. all of them
41) Which virus is responsible for COVID-19?
  1. N1H1
  2. Ebola
  3. SARS-COV-2
  4. None of these
42) What was the new name of coronavirus temporarily?
  1. 2019-nCOV
  2. SARS
  3. MERS
  4. HIV
43) In which language is the name "Coronavirus" originated?
  1. English
  2. Hindi
  3. Latin
  4. Spanish
44) What is Coronavirus?
  1. It is a large family of viruses
  2. It belongs to the family of Nidovirus
  3. Both 1 & 2
  4. None of the Above
45) A disease that can be transmitted to humans from animals is..........?
  1. Hypnotic
  2. Stenotic
  3. Zoonotic
  4. None of the Above
46) India's biggest hospital for treatment of coronavirus will be constructed in which state?
  1. Punjab
  2. Rajasthan
  3. Karnataka
  4. Odisha
47) Which state became India's first state to launch "Self Assessment Tool" in order to treat COVID-19 patients?
  1. Goa
  2. Maharashtra
  3. Gujarat 
  4. Uttarakhand
48) Which city's hospital is using Robots for treating COVID-19 patients?
  1. Jaipur
  2. Jammu & Kashmir
  3. Mumbai
  4. Bengaluru
49) RBI has cut down the Repo rate by much percent?
  1. 3.9%
  2. 4.4%
  3. 5.9%
  4. 2.8%
50) Which medicine's export was restricted because of coronavirus?
  1. Paracetamol
  2. Revital
  3. Aspirin
  4. Hydroxychloroquine

     I hope would you like this Coronavirus GK Questions and Answer. And you can watch a video on this topic on my YouTube Channel. In this video, the question is in Hindi. Please share how many Questions Answer you know in the comment box.

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